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Markdown & HTML

It's possible to export or import Blocks to and from Markdown and HTML.


The functions to import/export to and from Markdown/HTML are considered "lossy"; some information might be dropped when you export Blocks to those formats.

To serialize Blocks to a non-lossy format (for example, to store the contents of the editor in your backend), simply export the built-in Block format using JSON.stringify(editor.topLevelBlocks).


BlockNote can import / export Blocks to and from Markdown. Note that this is also considered "lossy", as not all structures can be entirely represented in Markdown.

Converting Blocks to Markdown

Block objects can be serialized to a Markdown string using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public blocksToMarkdownLossy(blocks: Block[]): string;

// Usage
const markdownFromBlocks = editor.blocksToMarkdownLossy(blocks);

returns: The blocks, serialized as a Markdown string.

The output is simplified as Markdown does not support all features of BlockNote - children of blocks which aren't list items are un-nested and certain styles are removed.


Parsing Markdown to Blocks

Block objects can be parsed from a Markdown string using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public tryParseMarkdownToBlocks(markdown: string): Blocks[];

// Usage
const blocksFromMarkdown = editor.tryParseMarkdownToBlocks(markdown);

returns: The blocks parsed from the Markdown string.

Tries to create Block and InlineNode objects based on Markdown syntax, though not all symbols are recognized. If BlockNote doesn't recognize a symbol, it will parse it as text.



We expose functions to convert Blocks to and from HTML. Converting Blocks to HTML will lose some information such as the nesting of nodes in order to export a simple HTML structure.

Converting Blocks to HTML

Block objects can be exported to an HTML string using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public blocksToHTMLLossy(blocks: Block[]): string;

// Usage
const HTMLFromBlocks = editor.blocksToHTMLLossy(blocks);

returns: The blocks, exported to an HTML string.

To better conform to HTML standards, children of blocks which aren't list items are un-nested in the output HTML.


Parsing HTML to Blocks

Block objects can be parsed from an HTML string using the following function:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public tryParseHTMLToBlocks(html: string): Blocks[];

// Usage
const blocksFromHTML = editor.tryParseHTMLToBlocks(html);

returns: The blocks parsed from the HTML string.

Tries to create Block objects out of any HTML block-level elements, and InlineNode objects from any HTML inline elements, though not all HTML tags are recognized. If BlockNote doesn't recognize an element's tag, it will parse it as a paragraph or plain text.
